- The harrow has 2 rows with cranked 12 mm (optionally 10mm) tines.
- Cranked tines create an elliptical movement on the soil. The steeper the position of the tines, the smaller the motion. The flatter the position of the tines, the larger the motion.
- In addition to the depth, the aggressiveness of the tines relative to one another on the GK series can also be changed. To do so, you only have to insert the bolts for the harrow rows as desired in a hole more to the front or the rear.
- The crank for the levelling plate can be used to turn the harrow rows more easily.
Mister Hickelsberger reports about his positive Grassland Combi experience
"I am very satisfied with the Grassland machines from APV, especially with our Grassland Combi. I will gladly recommend APV."
M. Hickelsberger, farmer in Austria