Grassland Harrow

High quality basic fodder is an important source of energy in the dairy industry. The APV Grassland Harrow pulls out unwanted dead grass, creates space for high quality seeds and aerates the soil. Thus, the harrow stimulates the natural formation and the germination of a diverse plant stock. In combination with a Pneumatic Seeder, you can till your fields in one working process and seed grasses and legumes. In this way, you control the relationship between grasses, legumes and herbs. Improve your grassland stock and increase your yields with APV's Grassland Harrow.


Benefits of the Grassland Harrow

  • Spring-mounted levelling plate (available as accessory) for levelling molehills or irregularities.
  • Followed by two harrow sections with cranked spring tines of various thicknesses. This combination is unique in agricultural engineering.
  • Every harrow section can be used at various relative thicknesses. This achieves optimal soil adjustment. Simple tine adjustment of the 3rd and 4th row.
  • Can also be used in arable farming!

GS 300 M1

Vorschaubild von Grünlandstriegel GS 300 M1

TOP meadow crops with APV

Our Grassland Harrow GS 300 M1 can be used single as well as in combination with an existing roller, given that the GS 300 M1 can be used in front. If needed, the reconsolidation of the sward can be done with the roller at the rear. This leads to a balanced weight distribution, which facilitates particularly work on slopes.


About the product

Product Support

GS 600 M1

APV Grünlandstriegel, Wiesenstriegel GS 600 M1

The cultivation harrow for grassland treatment

The Grassland Harrow GS 600 M1 is intended for intensive grassland cultivation. The two powerful front tine rows remove lawn thatch and unwanted weeds. The two weaker back tine rows separate the earth from the pulled out weeds and work the spread grass seeds into the soil.


About the product

Product Support

Information about
the Grassland Harrow

APV users about Grassland Harrows

GS 300 M1
Mr Maderebner reports about the GS 300 M1

"The device is perfectly suited for steep slopes because of its very low weight. Due to its simple operation it is also well suited as a community machine."

G. Maderebner, farmer


GS 300 M1
Mr Zimmermann reports about the GS 300 M1

"The intensive harrowing and the simultaneous grassland-reseeding were the purchase-crucial reason. We also use the GS 300 M1 for hauling grass in the spring or for leveling and reseeding boar damage. For additional utilization, we also use our harrow to build catch crops efficiently and quickly. Not only the practical use of the device but also farmers who borrow the harrow, confirm: Easy to use, Effective in the application. "

O. Zimmermann, Farmer


Super machine

Main Focus of the farm: Arable farming, Fruit growing, Pasture farming, Winter maintenance, Poultry farming

Farmer from Switzerland


APV Erfahrungsbericht Grünlandstriegel GS 600 M1
Herr Germer reports about the GS 600 M1

"Our first APV grassland harrow was actually an emergency purchase (the predecessor was damaged in a traffic accident). Then we realised that the work result with the APV grassland harrow is much better. Simply a great implement with a great working picture. "

M. Germer, Contractor


Grünlandstriegel GS 600 M1 im Heck
Schug reports about the GS 600 M1

,,Our workshop swears by APV spreaders and I also liked the four rows of tines with different thicknesses. Therefore, the decision has ultimately fallen on APV. We want to use it in the spring to groom and aerate and lightly seize after the first cut targeted areas more, because we think that then the chance for the new seed is better. In addition, we want to carry out the GS 600 also complete new seed. Of course, work in advance with a plow and rotary harrow."

T. Schug, Farmer


[Translate to APV EN:]
Mr Franzl reports about the GS 600 M1

"The GS 600 M1 Full Edition immediately convinced me with its high impact force and perfect harrow result through the use of two tine strengths. Equipped with a hydraulic fan, I am very flexible in application areas, such as seeding catch crops in agriculture. "

N. Franzl, Eco-Farmer


[Translate to APV EN:]
Mr Ranftl reports about the GS 600 M1

"On my grassland grow high-quality grasses and herbs. Since cultivating my grassland with the APV GS 600 M1, the biodiversity on my densely overgrown meadows has increased considerably."

F. Ranftl, Farmer


APV Grünlandstriegel GS 600 M1 mit aufgebautem Pneumatischen Sägerät PS

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