Grassland Pro Harrow

Grassland maintenance and rehabilitation are the cornerstone of high quality fodder. With the Grassland Pro Harrow both is possible: Smooth and
a very intensive processing of the green area. For the intensive version, we recommend the models GP 300 M1 and GP 600 M1, which are ready for use all year round.
Due to the unique combination of 12 mm and 8 mm tines, the sward is optimally processed. The trailing roller asures the reconsolidation and soil contact with the seeds.

The most efficient method of reseeding

The Grassland Pro Harrow is characterised by four rows of tines. Due to the 12 mm thick tines in the first two rows and the possibility to let the weight of the roller bear on the tines, it is possible to pull out overgrown grass or large quantities of weeds aggressively. Use the multiple settings of the tines: From intensive to smooth. Due to the multiple adjustment possibilities of the GP, you are ready for any type of application during cross-farm operation. From smooth overseeding to intensive grassland rehabilitation, depending on existing crops and the customer’s needs.

Benefits of the Grassland Pro Harrow

  • The Grassland Pro Harrow has a spring-mounted levelling plate for levelling molehills or asperities.
  • Followed by two harrow sections with cranked spring tines of various thicknesses. This combination is unique in agricultural engineering.
  • The tools can be used individually (for example only the roller) or in combination with other tools, depending on the application.
  • The combination of 5 work passes (levelling, pulling out, seeding, harrowing and rolling.) in one step!

GP 300 M1

APV Grünlandprofi GP 300 M1

Full efficiency for reseeding

The Grassland Pro Harrow meets today‘s requirements of intensive maintenance of meadows in professional farming and contracting. Due to the unique combination of strong 12 mm tines and 8 mm tines, the grass sward is processed to the optimum. The trailing roller asures the reconsolidation and soil contact with the seeds.

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GP 600 M2

APV Grünlandprofi GP 600 M2

The versatile

The Grassland Pro Harrow GP 600 M2 is ideal for large-scale meadow maintenance, reseeding and reseeding of grasses. The unique combination of strong 12 mm tines and 8 mm tines ensures optimum tillage of the sward. The GP 600 M2 is also popular for inter-farm use. With the Grassland Pro Harrow, you can complete all the steps of grassland maintenance with just one pass. The harrow and roller can be used in combination.

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GP 750 M2

The professional for the highest demands

Successful grassland maintenance starts with the GP 750 M2 grassland professional.
Its special feature: the hydraulically adjustable seed bar, combined with a powerful harrow unit, the pneumatic seed drill for seed application and the roller for optimum soil contact and germination. Perfect for grassland reseeding, catch crops or cereal sowing - all in a single pass.

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the Grassland Pro Harrow

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