Multi-Metering System

The Multi-Metering System (MD) series arose from the idea of combining the best features of our most popular products. We use the metering unit from our Pneumatic Seeders and combine it with different spreading methods. For us, the "two in one" principle means putting together excellent product features to make one exceptional seeder or spreader. This results in different types of Multi-Metering Systems - versatile products for diverse farming applications!


The versions of the Multi-Metering Systems

As standard, the Multi-Metering Systems are available in four versions. As an option, these four models can be variably upgraded and converted. For example, you can turn your Multi-Metering System with spreading disc into a pneumatic spreading device in just a few quick steps!

  • Multi-Metering System MDD: The "D" stands for "Disc".
    The seed is precisely metered by a seeding shaft and is then spread by a spreading disc. This model is particularly suitable for large working widths, e.g. up to 28 m for slug pellets.
  • Multi-Metering System MDP: The „P“ stands for „Pneumatic“.
    Its function and use are similar to those of a classic Pneumatic Seeder. The Multi-Metering System offers 6 outlets for a working width of up to 4.5 m.
  • Multi-Metering System MDG: The „G“ stands for „Gravitation“.
    Its function and use are similar to those of a Pneumatic Seeder, too. However, the metered material is only metered and then spread airless (without a fan, only through gravitation). This spreader is particularly suitable for granules which are metered into an existing airflow or can be spread based on gravity (e.g. mouse bait, silage additives, slug pellets, ...).

MDD 40 M1 | MDD 100 M1

Kategoriebild des Multidosierers MDD 100 M1

Combines the advantages of Pneumatic Seeders and Disc Spreaders

The Multi-Metering System MDD combines the advantages of a Pneumatic Seeder and a Disc Spreader: Precise metering is performed by a seeding shaft, the seed is spread using a spreading plate - optimal for slug pellets across large working widths and for spreading various catch crops. Due to the diverse assembly options as well as the simple and quick mounting and conversion on different soil tillage implements, the MDD can be used several times a year for a wide range of applications.

About the product

Product Support

MDP 40 M1 I MDP 100 M1

Vorschau des Multidosierer MDP 100 M1

The extension to the PS series

In terms of the applications and functions, the Multi-Metering Systems of the MDP series are similar to Pneumatic Seeders of the PS series. Due to its compact construction and the varied mounting options, this type covers a wide range of applications. The MDP is very well suited for spreading all the usual small seeds, seed mixtures and slug pellets, as well as for reseeding the grassland.

About the product

Product Support

MDG 40 M1 I MDG 100 M1

Vorschau des Multidosierers MDG 40 M1

For airless dosing of seeds

The Multi-Metering System MDG offers ideal conditions for the airless spreading of seeds and granules through its compact construction and the precise metering. The MDG series can be used as an additional metering unit on an existing seeder or for the placement of granules, mouse bait or slug pellets simultaneously with the soil tillage.

About the product

Product Support

APV users about Multi-Metering Systems

MDP 100 M1
Easy change of the seeding shaft

Focal points of the farm: Arable farming, forage production

Country: Germany (DE)

Summary: We are currently using the PS300 on a Düvelsdorf combination harrow for grassland maintenance and for sowing catch crops and field grass. We use the MDP100 on a rotary tiller for flower strips, renaturalisation and game fields. Both devices are controlled via the 5.2 control module.
We particularly like the perfect metering and the simple change of seeding shafts to be able to react individually to seed mixtures.

Original language: German


The exact application rate deserves huge praise.

Farm focus: Arable farming

Country: Austria

Field report / message: Our second of three APV spreaders. The exact application rate deserves huge praise.


Mr. Kaufmann recommends APV MDP 100 M1

Main company focus: Dairy farming, Winter service

The device and control work very well. We have mounted the device on a through seeder.

Mr.Kaufmann, Farmer from Austria


Anwenderbericht APV Multidosierer MDP 100 M1
German farmer is excited about the flexibility and precision of his MDP 100 M1

"I use the MDP 100 M 1 on a reverse tiller on a John Deere 3038 in gardening and landscaping for the creation of new lawns and flower strips.


In addition, it is used for reseeding horse pastures. I am more than satisfied with the condition and the precise application of the seed. Next up is the purchase of a GS 300 where the MDP will also be installed. Keep up the good work APV

Mr.Petersen, farmer from Germany


[Translate to APV EN:]
Mr Koeniger reports about the MDP 100 M1

"I have the control box 5.2 and am thrilled with the exact application and the good field emergence."

J. Koeniger, Farmer


Multidosierer MDP 100 M1
Mr Köck reports about the GK 300 M1 and the MDP 100 M1

"After combating the grubs with mushroom barley, the meadow is getting fit again, thanks to our new GK 300 M1. The machine ring has the mushroom barley approx. 2-5cm in with the slot machine the ground was worked in and then it was newly created with the APV machine."

F. Köck, farmer


Grassland Combi GK 300 M1 reseeding grassland
Mr Doninger reports about the MDP 100 M1

"The MDP in combination with my cultivator is the perfect match for growing catch crops."

M. Doninger, Farmer


Der Multidosierer MDP 100 M1 beim Anbau von Zwischenfrüchten
Mr Toifl reports about the MDP 100 M1

„By purchasing the MDP and the accessory kit disc spreader I have spared the purchase of an additional slug pellets spreader. The alteration from one variant to the other is done in a few minutes. The distribution is top in both types and the settings for the calibration test are really simple and fast."

G. Toifl, Farmer


Der Multidosierer MDP 100 M1 beim Ausbringen von Schneckenkorn
Mr Prael reports about the MDP 100 M1

,,I seed 140 ha of catch crops with the MDP of APV. The exact application and distribution accuracy was top and the emergence of the catch crops was amazing."

T. Prael, Farmer


Der Multidosierer MDP 100 M1 bei der Aussaat von Zwischenfrüchten
Mr Schwab reports about the MDP 100 M1

"I use the MDP 100 M1 in the spring and also between the cuts for seeding gras. APV products convince with top quality and perfect service. I have decided for the MDP 100 M1 and managed my 23 ha and with it and also drive in pay with this device. The spreader is built on a meadow harrow, so I save myself a step. "

H. Schwab, Farmer


Mr Rijnsburger reports about the MDP 100 M1

"We use the machine for overseeding grass seeds in grassland. Last year was a very difficult year for grass. As a result there were a lot of areas with lack of grass and a lot of weed. With the tinned harrow we remove the weed and with the APV MDP we overseed with around 20 - 25 kg/hectare. We have chosen the 5.2 computer, because it is very easy to set up."

F. Rijnsburger, Farmer


Mr Jansen reports about the MDP 40 M1

"I use the MDP 40 M1 to sow flowers for butterflies and bees. I built the multi-metering system on a self-built harrow to sow grass."

E. Jansen, farmer


Mr Hatzl reports about the MDP 40 M1

"Small but fine".
M. Hatzl has a farm size of 35 ha and works there with his APV multi-metering system MDP40 M1. He has decided for an APV device, because it is possible to work precisely and it is also easy to use. Mainly he uses his device in spring and autumn.

M. Hatzl, Farmer


Der Multidosierer MDP 40 M1 bei der Grünlandnachsaat
Simply top!

Main focus of the farm: Arable farming, pig breeding

Country: Austria (AT)

Conclusion: I use the spreader for intercropping in September to October for the 80% greening of the Glöz6 standard in combination with the plough on heavy soil. I am very satisfied with the result and the spreader, as I can precisely adjust the spread pattern and spread rate from the tractor. Rate control via speed signal from the 7-pin signal socket on the tractor. Simply TOP !!!!!!
Very precise spreading possible.

Original language: German




Austrian farmer reports about his GP 300 M1, PS 300 M1 and MDD 100 M1

"The products are versatile and very easy to use. I use the GP300M1 in grassland and arable farming and  I am more than satisfied with the result. The PS300M1 and MDD 100 M1 are also simple in construction and very easy to control. The APV products are well thought out and very robustly built."

Mr.Klaus, farmer from Austria


[Translate to APV EN:]
Mr. Krueger reports about the MDD 100 M1

"I was always looking for a simple but effective device to spread my greening mixture accurately. I can mount the MDD on the cultivator without much effort and, thanks to the control with the 5.2 control box, speed differences no longer play a role.
All in all, it was the right decision and the service for questions is always smooth."

F. Krueger, Farmer


Multidosierer MDD 100 M1 auf Grubber
Mr Keck reports about the MDD 100 M1

"Whether as MDD 100 M1 or as MDP, the unit doses very precisely in terms of quantity and working width. Whether slug pellets at 21 metres or catch crop at three metres. The effect and the field emergence prove it."

H. Keck, farmer


[Translate to APV EN:]
Mr Desivres reports about the MDD 100 M1

"I use the MDD 100 M1 in August for catch crop cultivation (greening, phacelia, Teal Clover, Chinese Radish, bristle oat) and the cultivation of companion plants (mixture Alexandrinerklee, lentils, fenugreek). The Multi-Metering System is built on the front of the tractor on the harrow. In addition, the accompanying rapeseed is spread with a row sowing device in the rear of the tractor. I have chosen a device from APV, because the quality is high and the seed is applied accurately , Furthermore, the device is easy to operate."

E. Desivres, farmer


Der Multidosierer MDD 100 M1 aufgebaut in der Front des Traktors auf einem Striegel
Mr Wiesbeck reports about the MDD 100 M1

 „The speed-adjusted work of a disc spreader is a tremendous relief for the exact application of my slug pellet."

M. Wiesbeck, Farmer


Der Multidosierer MDD 100 M1 aufgebaut auf einem Quad

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